Everyday Professional
Andreas Rohde from Dussmann Service Germany
28.12.2020 — Andreas Rohde is the facility manager at the park run by Grün Berlin Gardens of the World, which is open 365 days a year. He was recruited directly after completing training at the security school, in 2012. He now heads the security team at the park complex, which extends over more than 100 hectares on the northeastern edge of the capital.
What is your daily routine like, Mr. Rohde?
It starts early in the morning at 7 a.m. and I start by briefing the team, then we prepare the entrances and cash desks. After that, there is a lot of administrative work, but I try to spend one to two hours each day out and about in the park on patrol. I am the contact person for visitors, colleagues and other service providers on the grounds, for example the caterers or building contractors. We are also responsible for the animals; when swans, turtles, deer or rabbits get lost, we find them and reunite them with their families. We really do provide a full service, both for the people and the animals.
What difference has corona made?
When leisure facilities in Berlin are closed, it get much more crowded than usual here; normally, there are 1,000 to 1,500 visitors each week but now there are 5,000 to 6,000. It’s more stressful; the lines at the cash registers are longer and we must remind visitors to keep their distance and to maintain the hygiene regulations. It’s important that we show understanding and patience, listen to the guests and keep them happy.
What was your most unusual experience?
Once we saw a couple of raccoon cubs fall into a stream in the Korean garden. The mother couldn't do anything and that's when we stepped in. We reunited the family and released them in the nearby forest on the outskirts of the city.
Are there any events that are particularly popular with visitors?
About 25,000 people come to the degewo tenants' festival, and about 30,000 to the cherry blossom festival every year. At these times, we are very busy with a team of 40 to 50. The big events require quite a bit of preparation to ensure we maintain an overview, but I enjoy them because the atmosphere is really good and people are happy. During a busy weekend, that can sometimes be difficult to achieve.
What do you like most about your job?
The variety - every day is different. I love working with people, particularly at the moment. We understand that the Gardens of the World are a very important place for people from all over the city. Hopefully, there will be ample snow this winter because it makes the park a beautiful place. Then the kids go sledging and make snow angels. Facilitating this with my colleagues is a lot of fun.
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